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Pro-Democracy Protests Tiananmen Square

Chillax - Manel

Atualizado: 30 de abr. de 2021

Welcome to China, again! Do you remember the cultural revolution we approached the last term? If so, well brace yourselves for today's theme. It is a shocking, devastating and, at the same time, inspiring one.


The Pro-Democracy protests at Tiananmen square were the ultimate attempt to install democracy in China. Everything started thanks to the courage of an official from the communist party, who defended a more democratic regime. Nevertheless, he passed away leaving a space to be filled. It wasn't one, two or three people that decided to take his role, but actually thousands of students, who started an event like no other before.

In April 1989 the revolution started. Tiananmen Square was filled up with students protesting for a better, more fair and free future, where people could be listened to, instead of being forced to follow all the guidelines dictated by the Chinese officials.


These protests had a true impact at a governmental level and were a serious threat to the regime, indeed. Yet, they weren't successful, as the government issued martial law and ordered a huge military operation to clear the square.

It was on the third and fourth of June 1989 that everything spun. The square wasn't a place of emancipation and beliefs anymore, it was more of a battlefield. The Chinese army started to mow down the protesters, choking, beating, and shooting them. It was horrendous, macabre and heartless. These days represented the end of hope, which had lived in that square for three months.


Despite the whole world having gotten acquainted with the event, China has always tried to hide it from the population. It isn't taught in history classes, nor searchable in Chinese browsers. Everything to protect the regime and the power of the tyranny. Furthermore, China's defense minister released a communication stating that these horrendous measures were the "right policy", proving that even today those who fought for freedom are incarcerated in a cage hidden from the Chinese people. Meanwhile, its official name is "People's Republic"... you get what I’m trying to say here ....

The official report from the Chinese authorities in terms of casualties states 200 deaths and several injured. Nonetheless, a report from a UK diplomat states more than 10000 deaths. The 80s sure tell a history built out of pain and misery.


The image you can see above is probably the most well know of all. This man was not a student, nor a protester, he was just a "normal" guy who lived in the area. Even though, he stood to do the right thing and block in a symbolic way the tyranny the convoy of tanks represent. In spite of his unknown fate, that moment will always be remembered as a call for the human dignity and freedom that most of us take for granted but as you could testify today is not present all over the world.

Tiananmen Square stands for "gate of heavenly peace", but in 1989 during this unforgettable call for a better life from the Chinese population, it was anything but peaceful.

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