Apple, the epitome of tech companies, and by the way, of every single business on the face of the earth! Fact check: it was founded on April Fools’ Day (seriously…), its first logo was the Newton´s Apple, its first computer was a DIY, it also sold clothing lines (by the way), “i” stands for “internet”, “individuality”, “innovation” aaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnd it is the most valuable company in the world. Phew, you name it! We could stay here until next September (date of release of the new iPhones) naming all the milestones and flops that shaped Apple as we know it nowadays.
1976 was THE YEAR!
The beginning of this tech fairytale. The Apple I was born in this unique decade by the hands of Wozniak and by the tremendous product and business view of Steve Jobs. This computer would change the way tech is developed forever and paved an awe-inspiring path, ensuring millions of people around the world with access to amazing and extraordinary tools. As an Apple fan, I can´t help but be astounded by their first device. This computer had quite a huge success, breaking all the statistics of demand.
Nevertheless, as each of them was hand-built, they couldn´t satisfy all the requests. As a result, only 200 of them were ever built. Oh you want one? Oh do you? I have a secret to tell you… Shhhhhhh… If you really want one, I sincerely wish you gooooooood luuuuuckkkk xD. (well, seriously, if you can get one, please tell me how you made it!)
Although it was a great hit among the industry, this computer was actually a Do-it-Yourself gadget, as you needed to append a keyboard and monitor. Wozniak loved repeated numbers, therefore, the price tag of this device was 666.66$. It´s clearer than water Woz (Wozniak’s nickname) wasn´t aware of the “number of the beast”, ooops…. (or maybe he was and he was just fooling around, hehe)
At the end of the day, this story can´t be stressed enough. It serves as a role model for all the dreamers out there, sending a clear message: dream, create, believe in yourselves and take no notice of what others say, disbelieving your visions. The Apple I was a small step in the 70s but a true breakthrough for our entire lifetime