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Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone

Chillax - Manel

The '80s were wonderful years, packed with lots of innovations, unforgettable moments, brilliant music and utterly meaningful leaps for mankind. Nevertheless, it's time to turn the page, literally, since today I'm going to write about a book, and say hello to the '90s!

“Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone” is a wonderful book that needs no introduction. I am going to be honest with you: I have never been curious about this Saga, but a friend of mine convinced me to listen to it (yup, an audiobook, which I found interesting considering this was my first one!) and I told him: Mission accepted ( I did sound like Ethan now, am I right?). Just Kidding. I am a huge fan of the “Mission Impossible” films and I can't wait for the next one! Those stunts...

Alright, let's get back on track again - and to be clear I just told him: "Ok, but I am only going to listen to it because I trust you, hahaha!". Besides, he HATES (yes, those capital letters are needed) the films versions of the books, and I completely understand him. Not because I think the books, generally, are better than the films, but because every true fan of any type of series has the syndrome of the projector (in other words, they can't bear the films - that's why I choose the word "projector" since I truly don't know if there is some syndrome for these cases, and I didn't google it anyway). By now, maybe some of you already know who I am talking about... at least my English Teacher does... am I right?? :), therefore I couldn't say no.

This book was launched in 1997 and it was written by J. K. Rowling, an author everyone knows and who has actually lived in Portugal for a few years. The story consists of a boy named Harry Potter, who lives with his boring, bigoted, and very strange uncle, auntie and irritating cousin. When Harry was one year old, his parents were murdered by the Dark Wizard- Lord Voldemort (the name says it all, and in Portuguese it is even more frightening- at least in my Portglish Parallel Universe). Hence, Harry was considered one of a kind, since he survived, and even if he didn't know it in his early years, he was highly respected by the whole wizard community – not to mention he was a wizard himself, wow. In my view, this is one of the biggest highlights in the book. It shows Harry trying to deal with all this news and expectations, but at the same time being himself, which I found intriguing.

If you have never read or listened to this book, I am going to tell you about it. In a nutshell, Harry and his friends, Hermione and Ron, met at “Hogwarts School of Magic and Wizardry” and they are, throughout all their adventures, struggling with Lord Voldemort and his obsession with becoming immortal and controlling all the wizards. It is super fun to examine Harry's friendship with Ron and Hermione. They have companionship and above all are kind and true to each other, while always standing together, which I find extraordinary.

All in all, this book is a classic and more than a Wizard's story I believe J. K. Rowling intentionally tries to pass a message of self-development, about discovering new and fantastic worlds that are all around us, which may seem strange at first glance, but in the end, along with adding true friendship and companionship, everything can become magical and extraordinary.


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